9th International Workshop on "Neutrino Telescopes"

March 6-9, 2001
``Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti" - Campo S.Stefano 2945


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Tuesday, March 6, 2001

S. Glashow (Boston University) Duarks
V. Berezinsky (LNGS) Puzzles in Astrophysics in the Past and Present
L. Wolfenstein (Carnegie Mellon University) Lepton Physics and CP Violation (WORD)
A. Zichichi (University of Bologna) The Ten Challenges of Subnuclear Physics
E. Bellotti (University of Milano) Solar Neutrino Experiments: A Review
H. Robertson (University of Washington) Report from Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Y. Takeuchi (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR) Solar Neutrino Results from Super-Kamiokande
P. Gorodetzky (Collège de France) News from HELLAZ (dedicated to T. Ypsilantis)
C. McGrew (SUNY, Stony Brook) Atmospheric Neutrinos: New Results from Super-Kamiokande
B. Saitta (University of Cagliari) The Neutrino Mass Measurements: A Review
G.L. Fogli (University of Bari) Global Analysis of Neutrino Oscillation Data
D.O. Caldwell (University of California Santa Barbara) A New Fit to Solar Neutrinos Using Extra Dimensions
E. Ma (University of California) Collider Verification of the Neutrino Mass Matrix in Two Scenarios

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Wednesday, March 7, 2001

I. Stancu (University of Alabama) LSND and MiniBooNE
K. Eitel (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) KARMEN: The Latest Results
F.T. Avignone (University of South Carolina and Oak Ridge National Lab) Neutrino Physics at ORLaND
R.J. Wilkes (University of Washington) Results from K2K
S. Wojcicki (University of Stanford) Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments at Accelerators: A Review
A. Pullia (University of Milano) Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments
P. Lipari (University of Roma) Atmospheric Neutrino Sources: A Review
J.W.F. Valle (IFIC/CSIC, University of Valencia) What have we learned about Neutrinos?
G. Altarelli (CERN) Models of Neutrino Masses and Mixings
F. Buccella (University of Napoli) Implications of Neutrino Oscillations for Gauge Unification
R.N. Mohapatra (University of Maryland) Sterile Neutrinos, Mirror Universe and Large Extra Dimensions
B.C. Barish (CALTECH) Status of Gravitational Waves Experiments
M. Cerdonio (University of Padova) The ``5-bars" G. W. Observatory: Results and Perspectives
D.B. Cline (UCLA) Supernova Type II Dynamics and Neutrino Detection
J. Learned (University of Hawaii) Proton Decay, Review and Future Prospects

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Thursday, March 8, 2001

J. Ellis (CERN) Neutrino Factory: Theoretical Motivations
P. Hernandez (CERN) Neutrino Oscillation Physics at a Neutrino Factory
S. Petcov (SISSA) Stusying Matter Effects in Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
F. Dydak (CERN) Neutrino Factory: Experimental Aspects
A. Rubbia (ETH, Zurich) Neutrino Factories: Detector Concepts
J.J. Gomez Cadenas (University of Valencia) Physics Potential of Very Intense Conventional Neutrino Beams
J.W. Cronin (University of Chicago) Searching for the Most Energetic Particles in the Universe
F. Halzen (University of Wisconsin) Kilometer-Scale High Energy Neutrino Observatories
V.A. Kuzmin (INR, Moscow) A Possible Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
M. Block (Northwestern University) High Energy Cosmic Ray and Accelerator Cross Sections Reconciled

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Friday, March 9, 2001

R. Cester (University of Torino) The AUGER Experiment
L. Scarsi (University of Palermo) EUSO: Using High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos as Messengers from the Unknown Universe
A. Karle (University of Wisconsin) Results from AMANDA
N. Palanque-Delabrouille (DAPNIA/SPP, Saclay) Status Report on the ANTARES Project
Z. Djilkibaev (INR, Moscow) A Search for Very High Energy Neutrinos With the Baikal Neutrino Telescope
S.E. Tzamarias (Hellenic Open University, Patras) NESTOR (dedicated to Bianca Monteleoni)
S. Pakvasa (University of Hawaii) Some Uses of Neutrino Telescopes
T. Weiler (Vanderbilt University) Possibility to Detect the Cosmic Neutrino Background with EECR Neutrinos
A. De Rujula (CERN) High-Energy Neutrinos and Hard Gamma Rays in Coincidence with Gamma Ray Burts
Q. Shafi (Bartol Research Institute) Proton Decay, Magnetic Monopoles and Extra Dimensions
L.M. Krauss (Case Western Reserve University) Cosmological as Seen from Venice
P. de Bernardis (University of Roma) Latest Results from the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy
A. Riotto (INFN, Padova) The Inflationary Universe
G.F. Giudice (CERN) Largest Temperature of the Radiation Era and Neutrinos as Warm Dark Matter
A. Masiero (SISSA) Dark Matter and Particle Physics
L. Maiani (CERN) What's Next in Accelerator Particle Physics?